An investment in sales methodology for your sales organization can be very significant both in terms of the financial cost involved as well as the opportunity costs to have your team out of the field.
Miller Heiman clients are successful because they recognize that we each are mutually invested in the success of any project to implement sales methodology.
Our client provides:
1. Engaged, accountable sales executives.
2. Focus on the implementation of a business planning process, verses a training event.
3. Capable executive sponsorship.
4. A strong understanding of your sales strategy and a vision of what excellence in execution would look like.
5. Recognition that the Return on Investment doesn’t take place in the classroom – it happens based on focused planning leading up to a program; combined with reinforcement and coaching after the session(s).
We provide:
1. Knowledge of your industry and a strong understanding of what the “best” companies in your industry do differently.
2. A commitment to your success and a return on your investment.
4. Global language and facilitation support ensuring consistency worldwide.
5. A proven implementation framework that focuses on sales execution, and not sales training.
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[/colorbox][/col][col type="one-half col-last"][colorbox title="Register - Sales Workshop" color="#829ebe"]TeamBuilders clients receive a preferred pricing. Send us your contact info to find out more. Register Now